Malka Adler
"Winter 1939: Danusha and her family are forced to flee their home when the Nazis invade Poland. Danusha's mother, Anna, changes her name and secures a position as a housekeeper in a German doctor's mansion in Kraków where Gestapo meetings are hosted in the kitchen... Her secret is their salvation, but what Danusha remembers most is the solitude, with only her baby brother and the girl in the mirror for company. All Anna ever wanted was a firstborn...
The USA Today Bestseller An extraordinary novel of hope and heartbreak, this is a story about a family separated by the Holocaust and their harrowing journey back to each other. There was a good orchestra at Auschwitz. I could immediately hear it was good. I almost wept for the beauty of it, but the large pile of striped pajamas stayed in my mind, and I didn't cry... Dov and Yitzhak live in a small village in the mountains of Hungary, isolated both...
En mitad de la guerra que desgarró al mundo, una madre quiere un hijo y una hija necesita a una madre.
Invierno de 1939. Danusha y su familia se ven obligados a huir de su hogar cuando los nazis invaden Polonia. La madre de Danusha, Anna, se cambia el nombre y consigue un puesto como ama de llaves en la mansión de un médico alemán en Cracovia, en cuya cocina se reúnen altos cargos de la Gestapo.
Su secreto es su salvación, pero lo que más...