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After escaping from their captors in a giant air balloon, five prisoners of the Civil War find themselves stranded on a deserted island. Despite their different backgrounds, they decide to band together and combine their talents to live on the island, which they named Lincoln Island. Cyrus is a railroad engineer, Gideon is a journalist, Neb is a man who escaped slavery, Pencroff is a sailor, and Harbert is Pencroff's protégé and son. Each man uses...
4) Abandoned
Abandoned by Jules Verne is a crossover sequel of two of Verne's most popular novels, In search of Castaways and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Set during the American Civil War, five Northern prisoners of war band together despite their different backgrounds. Cyrus is a railroad engineer, Gideon is a journalist, Neb is an ex-slave, Pencroff is a sailor, and Harbert is Pencroff's protégé and son. Together, the five prisoners escape their...
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